Friday 3 November 2017

Glory to the Creator

Glory to the Creator

Glory to the Creator

Glory to the Creator
Praise be to God, Who created the heavens and the earth
| The Holy Quran 6:1 |
And We did not create the heaven and earth and that between them in play
| The Holy Quran 21:16 |

“ I have concluded that we are in a world made by rules created by an intelligence, Believe me, everything that we call chance today won't make sense anymore. To me it is clear that we exist in a plan which is governed by rules that were created, shaped by a universal intelligence and not by chance
Dr Michio Kaku
Theoretical Physicist 
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look around you and ponder. And you will see order and intricacy in the universe and in your own self.. This wonderful system of life denotes there is intelligence in the universe design — and thus it leads to the logical fact that there is an intelligent power that made all this, I will be giving u some examples n logical points to think about it – and draw conclusions – im not here to argue with u or prove u wrong you are an intelligent enough and have an intelligent brain , a brain which much complicated in design than a cellphone ? correct Logic denotes that cellphone pieces can not come together by it self and make this intelligently designed device ! so how can we expect that the human brain which is more intelligently designed is not made by a powerful maker than human? There are many elements of fine tuning in this universe that if did not exist, the universe would’ve collapsed. The trees u see in your street daily — it was a seed — humans by all their intelligence could not make one single seed that turns to a tree! this means the creator of this tree and human — must be greater than humans and more intelligent than both of them if you throw some colours in the sky — u not expecting them to come down drawing such a nice palace with wonderful windows and doors n walls !! the universe is much pretty and intricate than all that .. you not expecting for pieces of wood to come together by its own making a nice pretty ship that sails daily from place to another without a captain !! The universe is much complicated and intelligent in design than a ship! Do you know that there is Ozone layer protecting the living beings on earth from the harmful radiations of the sun ! Who organized all that and made life suitable for us while there are Millions of planets and galaxies that does not have these wonderful conditions for life ! Do you know that earth is circling around the sun in a certain speed — and if this speed increased a bit — the earth will be attracted by the gravity of the sun and life will end …and if the earth was circling in less speed than now — the earth would have come out of its orbit! And life again would have ended. Who controlled this and put the earth on this exact figure and made that speed in this way!! There must be an intelligent power organizing this — it’s a conscious living great power — which people call it God — but they differ about the concept itself. 
[ And on the earth are signs for the certain [in faith] And in yourselves. Then will you not see? ] 
[ The Holy Quran 51 : 20-21 ]
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