Friday 27 October 2017

Does God Exist?

Does God Exist?

Does God Exist?
The BIG question which goes through the minds of millions from around the world, DOES GOD EXIST?

This is a topic which has been debated in every part of the World for centuries. We question the creations around us, such as the Sun, the Water Cycle, the Moon’s Orbit, Human Creation and more. Can we prove God exists? How did the Universe come into existence?
We are fortunate today to have humans and technology controlling the traffic on our roads, the sea and the skies. There are millions of people and various technology helping control such a complex transport network around the World, yet millions of accidents and collisions still occur.
If we move up to Space, we know through the discoveries of Science that the Earth, Sun, Moon and other planets have revolved for billions of years. According to NASA’s website, Earth rotates at 1,000mph and it takes 24 hours for the Earth to rotate completely. The Moon takes around 27.32 days to complete a rotation around the Earth. By comparison to the speed of the Earth, the Moon rotates about 10mph. The gravitional force of the Earth keeps the Moon pulled down towards it and the Moon orbits at the perfect speed. Any faster, the Moon would speed off into space and any slower, it would be pulled down crashing to Earth.
The Earth where about 8 billion people reside today has a circumference of 40,000km. The circumference of the Sun is 4.3 million km. The Sun and its 8 planets along with 100 billion stars are in the Milky Way Galaxy which is 100,000 light years away. The Milky Way is a Galaxy among thousands of Galaxies that form a Cluster. This Cluster with thousands of other Clusters form one Super Cluster and thousands of Super Clusters form the Universe with a length of 30 billion light years away according to Scientists. It’s amazing to know how such a complex system within our Universe works without the planets colliding and no control.
Most religions believe the Universe was created by God. Scientists believe a big bang brought the Universe into existence and all the planets and stars were formed. Scientists discovered that since the Big Bang, the Universe is continuosly expanding and one day the Universe will stop expanding and fold in to itself known as the Big Crunch Theory. This will bring an end to the Universe.
Whilst researching the miracles within the Muslim scripture (The Qur’an), I was amazed to find that the Big Bang, the Big Crunch theory and the expanding of the Universe were all mentioned within the Qur’an over 1400 years ago. I have provided more detail further down the post which you will come to shortly.
God mentioned the Universe in great detail within the Qur’an which was revealed over 1400 years ago and at a time when the technology we have today did not exist.
 One of the verses mentioned within the Qur’an is:
“And the moon – We have determined for it phasesuntil it returns [appearing] like the old date stalk. It is not allowable for the sun to reach the moon, nor does the night overtake the day, but each, in an orbit, isswimming. ( The Qur’an, 36:39-40 )”

The above verse includes a couple of miracles in itself. The Qur’an mentions the orbit of the Moon and Sun but also the shape of the Moons orbit like the old date stalk. This verse was revealed by God when the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) was questioned by people at the time, whether the Moon would ever clash with the Sun. I won’t go into this in great detail but you can read the article The Moons Orbit for more detail. Who would have known this 1400 years ago? Scientists discovered this much later using technology which did not exist at the time.
Whilst on the topic of the Universe, I would like to expand on another miracle within the Qur’an which I mentioned above. In the 1920′s, when the new 100″ telescope was constructed at the Mount Wilson Observatory, Edwin Powell discovered that the Universe was not static, but was continuosly expanding. The Qur’an mentions the Universe’s expansion over 1400 years ago. Who would have known this at the time? For further info, you can read the article The Universe Is Expanding. The Qur’an mentions much more regards the Universe, this is just a part of it.

In the earlier days it was thought that the light of the Moon was its own light. But modern science later discovered the light from the Moon is not it’s own light but reflected. The Qur’an mentions verses related to the Moon’s light over 1400 years ago. You can read more here Is Moon’s Light Reflected. One of the verses mentioned is below:
“Blessed is He Who made Constellations in the skies, And placed therein Lamp And a Moon giving light.” ( The Holy Qur’an 25:61)
Who would have known this over 1400 years ago?
You may have heard about the two seas which do not mix. Both sea’s have their own temperature, salinity and density. Mediterranean sea water is warm, saline, and less dense, compared to Atlantic ocean water. No matter how much they clash, the large waves and tides, you will discover the sea’s as two, as if there is an invisible barrier between them.
The verse mentions:
“It is He Who has Let free the two bodies Of flowing water: One palatable and sweet, And the other salty andbitter; Yet has He Made a barrier between them, And a partition that is forbidden To be passed.”
( The Qur’an 25:53 )

For further info read The Barrier Between The Two Seas 

There is much more, as mentioned above, the Qur’an includes a verse covering The Big Bang over 1400 years ago.
The verse is:
Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of creation), before weclove them asunder? We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?
( The Quran, 21:30 )
For further info you can read, The Big Bang Mentioned within The Quran
You may have noticed that the above verse mentions “We made from water every living thing”. As we are all aware science has advanced at rapid speed over the years and we now know that Cytoplasm, the basic substance of the cell is made up of around 80% water. Science has discovered that most organisms are made up of 50% – 90% water. You can read more at
Every Living Thing Made Of Water. This was mentioned over 1400 years ago but revealed within the Arabian deserts whilst there was a shortage of water. If the verses of the Qur’an were made up, would someone really want to make up such a verse when there was a shortage of water. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had to reveal all that was sent to them as it was delivered from God via the angel Gabriel. Who would have known this over 1400 years ago?
The Qu’ran also mentions Embryology in great detail (The human creation). Up until recently it was thought that the gender of a baby was determined by the mothers cell(s). You can read more at The Birth Of A Human Being. Over 1400 years ago, the following verses were mentioned within the Qur’an:
“He has created both sexes, male and female from a drop of semen which has been ejected.”
(Qur’an, 53:45-46)
Was he not a drop of ejaculated sperm, then a blood clot which He created and shaped, making from it both sexes, male and female? ( The Qur’an,75:37-39 )
Another verse which amazed me was:
“Recite: In the name of your Lord Who created man fromalaq. Recite: And your Lord is the Most Generous.” ( The Qur’an, 96:1-3 )
The word alaq in Arabic mentioned in the above verse is something that clings. The word used describes leeches that cling to a body to suck blood. It was recently discovered and approved of by Professor Keith Moore that the Embryo looks like a leech! 
Not long ago, a group of young Arab students/Scholars went through a task of collecting all information mentioning Embryology from the Qur’an, and followed the instructions of the Qur’an from Chapter: 25:59) which says, “Ask the person who knows.”
All the information which was gathered from the Qur’an was translated into English and presented to Professor Dr Keith Moore who was the head of the department of Embryology in the University of Toronto located in Canada. Currently, Professor Dr Keith Moore is regarded as one of the highest authorities in the field of Embryology throughout the World.
After all the information was passed to Keith Moore, he was asked to give his opinion regarding the information concerning the field of Embryology mentioned within the Qur’an. After Keith Moore carefully examined the translation presented to him, he said that most of the information concerning Embryology mentioned in the Qur’an is in perfect conformity with modern discoveries in the field of Embryology and does not in any way conflict with them, BUT there were a few verses on which he could not comment as to whether they were right or wrong since the information provided by these verses was yet to be discovered or confirmed and also as there was no mention of these facts in modern writings and studies on Embryology.
But Professor Keith Moore had no knowledge that an Embryo in the initial stages looked like a leech as mentioned within the Qur’an. Fortunetly, Keith Moore had access to the Technology to confirm whether the verse within the Qur’an was true or false. Keith studied the initial stage of the Embryo under a very powerful microscope in his laboratory and compared what he observed with a diagram of a leech. The results were shocking, Keith was astonished at the resemblance between the two, both looked the same.
In the same manner Keith Moore also acquired more information on Embryology, which he was not aware of and was already mentioned within the Qur’an.
Prof. Keith Moore had earlier authored the book titled, “The Developing Human”. After acquiring new knowledge from the Qur’an, in the year 1992 he wrote a new edition of the book for which he got an award for the best medical book written by a single author.
This book has been translated into several major languages of the world and is used as a text book of embryology in the first year of medical studies. Professor Keith Moore had no hesitation in accepting the Qur’an to be a divine revelation and Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) to be a Messenger of God.
In the year 1976, a lecture was given which was located at the French Academy of Medicine. The lecture title was Physiological and Embryological data in the Qur’an and was delivered by a French physician Dr Maurice Bucaille. His reason for hosting the lecture was that “our knowledge of these disciplines is such, that it is impossible to explain how a text produced at the time of the Qur’an could have contained ideas that have only been discovered in modern times.
The citations included in this pamphlet appeared in the Qur’an during the 7th century CE. The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) was himself illiterate and was living among illiterate people. The Arabs at that time worshipped idols and believed in horoscope and magic and were superstitious. The Arabs very actively opposed the teachings advanced by the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) through his revelations.
The Qur’an mentions much more, you will be surprised. All of the above and the ones I will be listing below have been confirmed by modern Science! Who would have known this over 1400 years ago? The Technology did not exist.
1) The Universe started from smoke. Read The Universe started from Smoke
2) The first sense to develop within an Embryo is the hearing – Read Hearing Is Developed First
3) Scientists discovered the sun rotates – Read The Sun Rotates
4) The 7 layers of Earths atmosphere are mentioned within the Qur’an over 1400 years ago – Read The 7 layers of Earths atmosphere
5) The end of the Universe and the Big Crunch Theory – Read The Universe Will End
6) We only discovered the depths of our Oceans in detail after the first Submarine was developed. The Qur’an mentions the depths of our oceans over 1400 years ago – Read The Darkness Within The Depths Of The Ocean

7) Did you know the mountains act like pegs and help stabalize the Earth. This was mentioned within the Qur’an over 1400 years ago. Read Mountains Act As Pegs

There are much more such miracles on this website but nothing compared to the vast detail the Qur’an includes. I have only described a few of the miracles mentioned within the Qur’an on this website but there are around 1,000 verses related to Science within the Qur’an !
Whilst carrying out my research I realised that the Qur’an is such a book that all the news related in it has proved to be true over the years and continues to stay ahead of us and keep up with modern science even after 1400 years. Who could have known such Science facts over 1400 years ago? Science facts which Modern Science has proven correct only after the development of powerful technology which we are lucky to have today. Facts about scientific subjects and the news given about the future, facts that no one could have known at the time the Qur’an was revealed. It is impossible for this information to have been known with the level of knowledge and technology which was available over 1400 years ago and many scientists have publically agreed that no human being could have made up such verses.
Who could have known all this over 1400 years ago? Who could have known about the Embyrology stages in such detail over 1400 years ago? Who could have known about the Water Cycle over 1400 years ago? Such detail which modern science has confirmed could not have been proven without the use of technology which exists today. Human beings are not able to dive more then 40/50 meters into the depth of the oceans without the support of specially designed equipment so who would have known details of our deep oceans over 1400 years ago without the use of a Submarine or specialist equipment?
Another amazing part of the Qur’an is, God has mentioned that if the Qur’an was not from God, we would find many inconsistencies. Not just this, but God also mentions that the Qur’an will be guarded and protected from corruption. The verses mentioned are:
If it had been from other than God, they would have found many inconsistencies in it.” ( The Qur’an,4:82 )
“Indeed, it is We who sent down the Qur’an and indeed, We will be its guardian.” ( The Qur’an, 15:9 )
Over 1400 years later the Qur’an remains unchanged and continues to keep up with modern science. If humans made up the Qur’an 1400 years ago as some believe, mentioning such verses in so much confidence would have proved very risky. Mentioning verses related to science knowing that they may be proven incorrect in the future and being so confident to reveal that if the Qur’an was not the word from God, humans would find many inconsistencies.
If the verses from the Qur’an were made up by humans the individual who put the verses together would have been a genius who could predict the future and science discoveries with a 100% guess rate.
In another powerful verse which I found very interesting was whereGod challenges others to create a fly if they can. No one can create a fly from nothing. The verse mentioned within the Qur’an is:
“…Lo! Those on whom ye call beside Allah will never create a fly though they combine together for the purpose. And if the fly took something from them, they could not rescue it from him. So weak are (both) the seeker and the sought!” [ The Quran 22:73]
For those who think the Qur’an has changed over time, if a change was to occur within the Qur’an today or in the past, it would be noticed by millions of Muslims around the world who have revised the complete Qur’an off by heart. You will not find the Arabic version of the Qur’an different anywhere around the World, as it’s the same.
Another common question is I want to see God? If God was to appear the test would be over as everyone would start to follow the correct path. We are here on Earth for a reason, to carry out good deeds and worship the creator God. The World is the test centre where we are being examined but the result we will know later. We humans want to see God, yet can not stare at the Sun for more then a few seconds.
Analyse the creations around you, humans, the heart, vision, hearing, clouds, animals, insects, plants, fruit, space, the weather, the planets orbit, planets don’t collide, the sun rises every morning, the expansion of the Universe, 7 layers of earths atmosphere, the moon, and think, could all this have happened with a Big Bang alone? Did the Big Bang just happen or was it initiated? Who can answer the miracles within the Qur’an?
And on the earth are signs for the certain [in faith] And in yourselves. Then will you not see

look around you and ponder. And you will see order and intricacy in the universe and in your own self.. This wonderful system of life denotes there is intelligence in the universe design — and thus it leads to the logical fact that there is an intelligent power that made all this, I will be giving u some examples n logical points to think about it – and draw conclusions – im not here to argue with u or prove u wrong you are an intelligent enough and have an intelligent brain , a brain which much complicated in design than a cellphone ? correct Logic denotes that cellphone pieces can not come together by it self and make this intelligently designed device ! so how can we expect that the human brain which is more intelligently designed is not made by a powerful maker than human? There are many elements of fine tuning in this universe that if did not exist, the universe would’ve collapsed. The trees u see in your street daily — it was a seed — humans by all their intelligence could not make one single seed that turns to a tree! this means the creator of this tree and human — must be greater than humans and more intelligent than both of them if you throw some colours in the sky — u not expecting them to come down drawing such a nice palace with wonderful windows and doors n walls !! the universe is much pretty and intricate than all that .. you not expecting for pieces of wood to come together by its own making a nice pretty ship that sails daily from place to another without a captain !! The universe is much complicated and intelligent in design than a ship! Do you know that there is Ozone layer protecting the living beings on earth from the harmful radiations of the sun ! Who organized all that and made life suitable for us while there are Millions of planets and galaxies that does not have these wonderful conditions for life ! Do you know that earth is circling around the sun in a certain speed — and if this speed increased a bit — the earth will be attracted by the gravity of the sun and life will end …and if the earth was circling in less speed than now — the earth would have come out of its orbit! And life again would have ended. Who controlled this and put the earth on this exact figure and made that speed in this way!! There must be an intelligent power organizing this — it’s a conscious living great power — which people call it God — but they differ about the concept itself. 
[ And on the earth are signs for the certain [in faithAnd in yourselves. Then will you not see? ]
[ The Quran 51 : 20-21 ]

 for more i suggest these 4 books :
– Book : Scientific Truths in The Quran PDF : Download PDF
– Book : The Bible The Quran And Science Dr Maurice Bucaille PDF : Download PDF
– Book The Amazing Quran Dr Garry Miller : Download PDF

– Book :The Quran and Modern Science: Compatible or Incompatible? by Dr Zakir Naik : Download PDF